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Neuromodulation Therapies
Taxonomy Code: LT-1750.5800
Programs that provide treatment that employs advanced medical device technologies to enhance or suppress activity of the nervous system for the treatment of pain and disease. The technologies include implantable as well as non-implantable devices that deliver electrical, chemical or other agents to reversibly modify brain and nerve cell activity. Most frequently, people think of neuromodulation in the context of chronic pain relief. However, there are many other neuromodulation applications, such as deep brain stimulation (DBS) treatment for Parkinson's disease, sacral nerve stimulation for pelvic disorders and incontinence, vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) and responsive neurostimulation (RNS) for seizure control in epilepsy, and spinal cord stimulation for ischemic disorders (angina, peripheral vascular disease). The devices are also used to control symptoms such as tremor and provide help for people with spinal cord injuries, movement disorders and psychiatric disorders that have resisted treatment. In addition, neuromodulation devices can stimulate a response where there was previously none, as in the case of a cochlear implant restoring hearing in an individual who is deaf.
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