
Our long-term goals for 211 in Lake County, Illinois include providing objective data and trend information for proactive community planning and informed decision making. 


211 Counts

Find a real-time snapshot of community-specific needs in Lake County, Illinois, as well as across the United States, by zip code, legislative district or school district. Visit

Quarterly Reports 

See United Way of Lake County's summary of 211 quarterly data on top needs and the populations we serve in Lake County. 

Special Reports 

Review special reports and insights.

Annual Reports 

See how United Way of Lake County 211 is working together with our partners to improve access to critical information and resources for better outcomes.


View our 211 webinars to learn more about our annual results, insights and real-life stories of how 211 is making a difference every day in Lake County.


For questions about reports, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..