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Viewing 1-9 of 9 results (listed by best match)

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Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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  • You may list the search results by location if you provide a five-digit ZIP code.



If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

ZIP code (five digits)



Each provider profile contains a unique field for listing volunteer opportunities. Words entered here will be matched against that field.

Each provider profile contains a unique field for listing wishlist items. Words entered here will be matched against that field.

Service Codes

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Note: If you combine taxonomy codes with keywords a provider will only turn up in search results if it contains both.

Separate codes with a comma.

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List by location: This button orders the search results by their ZIP codes, from near to far. You may also reverse the order (far to near) by clicking the button twice.

CATHOLIC CHARITIES - Family Self-Sufficiency Program

Provides case management to single-parent families with motivation to become financially self-reliant.

Services: Family Resource Centers/Outreach

671 South Lewis Avenue

Waukegan, IL 60085

(847) 782-4233

FAMILY FOCUS - Early Child Dual Language Program

Offers bilingual (English/Spanish) education and support services to families with children under age five.

Services: Family Resource Centers/Outreach, Parent Support Groups, Pediatric Developmental Screening

330 Laurel Avenue

Highland Park, IL 60035

(847) 433-0377

ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES (IDHS) - Disability Rehabilitation Services (DRS)

Offers information and comprehensive services for individuals with disabilities including: - Screening for benefits programs - Healthcare plan support, information, and advocacy - In-home services - Job skills evaluations - Independent life skills training - Residential education and outreach programs for children with disabilities

Services: Benefits Screening, Family Resource Centers/Outreach, General Health Insurance Information/Counseling, Independent Living Skills Instruction, In Home Developmental Disabilities Habilitation Programs, Vocational Rehabilitation

2740 West Grand Avenue

Waukegan, IL 60085

(847) 244-8474


Provides basic necessities to active-duty personnel, veterans, and their families.

Services: Family Resource Centers/Outreach, General Clothing Provision

2323 Green Bay Road

North Chicago, IL 60064

(847) 354-2108

MANO A MANO - Healthy Families Program

Offers health education and case management to help families gain access to care to live a healthy lifestyle.

Services: Community Gardening, Exercise Classes/Groups, Family Resource Centers/Outreach, General Benefits and Services Assistance, General Health Education Programs

6 East Main Street

Round Lake Park, IL 60073

(847) 201-1521

NICASA BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES - Family Advocacy Center - North Chicago Site

Offers case management services to families and connects them to necessary resources.

Services: Alcohol Use Disorder Counseling, Drug Use Disorder Counseling, Family Resource Centers/Outreach, General Counseling Services, Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services, Parenting Skills Classes

2031 Dugdale Road

North Chicago, IL 60064

(847) 785-8660

NICASA BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES - Family Advocacy Center - Round Lake

Offers case management services to families and connects them to necessary resources.

Services: Alcohol Use Disorder Counseling, Drug Use Disorder Counseling, Family Resource Centers/Outreach, General Counseling Services, Parenting Skills Classes

31979 North Fish Lake Road

Round Lake, IL 60073

(847) 546-6450

SALVATION ARMY - Pathway of Hope

Offers case management to help families who are struggling with poverty.

Services: Case/Care Management, Family Resource Centers/Outreach

850 South Green Bay Road

Waukegan, IL 60085

(847) 336-1880


Serves as a resource hub for Latino families within the community.

Services: Family Resource Centers/Outreach

501 Bank Lane

Highwood, IL 60040

(847) 681-0208

Viewing 1-9 of 9 results (listed by best match)
