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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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ADVOCATE AURORA HEALTH - Trauma Recovery Center

Provides a health care-based violence intervention program to survivors of intentional trauma.

Services: Child Abuse Counseling, Child Sexual Abuse Counseling, Counseling for Children Affected by Domestic Violence, Crime Victim/Witness Counseling, Domestic Violence Support Groups, Elder Abuse Support Groups, Sexual Assault Counseling, Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups, Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling

Confidential Location

Gurnee, IL 60031

(708) 346-7300


Provides legal, financial, and emotional help to impaired/distracted driving victims

Services: Crime Victim Accompaniment Services, Crime Victim Support Groups, General Crime Victim Assistance

870 East Higgins Road

Suite 131

Schaumburg, IL 60173

(847) 240-0027


Provides legal, financial, and emotional help to impaired/distracted driving victims through: - accompanying victims to court.

Services: Crime Victim Accompaniment Services, Crime Victim Support Groups, General Crime Victim Assistance

18 N County Street

Waukegan, IL 60085

(847) 240-0027

ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION - Alzheimer's Helpline

Provides 24/7 helpline for information, support and local resources for Alzheimer's disease.

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Health/Disability Related Support Groups

Online Resource

Chicago, IL 60601

(800) 272-3900


Offers support groups for people diagnosed and in the early stages of dementia.

Services: Health/Disability Related Support Groups

Online Resource

Chicago, IL 60630

(800) 272-3900


Provides outpatient mental health services to children, adolescents, adults, the elderly, and families.

Services: General Counseling Services, Mental Health Evaluation, Mental Health Related Support Groups, Psychiatric Day Treatment, Psychiatric Disorder Counseling

3436 North Kennicott Avenue

Arlington Heights, IL 60004

(855) 692-6482

ART OF RECOVERY SERVICES NFP - Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)

Provides a community-based outreach approach for at-risk adults.

Services: Drug Use Disorder Support Groups, Homelessness Advocacy Groups, Legal Information Services, Mental Health Related Support Groups, Substance Use Disorder Intervention Programs

Confidential Location

Libertyville, IL 60048

(847) 629-0075

A SAFE PLACE - "Betty Toser" Counseling Groups - Gurnee Site

Offers individual and group counseling for survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking.

Services: Domestic Violence Support Groups, General Counseling Services, Human Trafficking Support Groups, Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling


Gurnee, IL 60031

(847) 731-7165

A SAFE PLACE - "Betty Toser" Counseling Groups - Lake Forest Site

Offers individual and group counseling for survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking.

Services: Domestic Violence Support Groups, General Counseling Services, Human Trafficking Support Groups, Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling

Confidential Location

Lake Forest, IL 60045

(847) 731-7165

A SAFE PLACE - Counseling Program

Provides free counseling services for survivors of human trafficking or domestic violence.

Services: Child Guidance, Domestic Violence Support Groups, Human Trafficking Counseling, Human Trafficking Support Groups, Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling

2710 17th Street

Suite 100

Zion, IL 60099

(247) 731-7165 x1200

Viewing 1-10 of 70 results (listed by best match)
