Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Child Sexual Exploitation Reporting

Programs that provide a hotline, website or other mechanisms that the public can use to report instances in which an individual or group of individuals is involved in the possession, manufacture and/or distribution of child pornography; online enticement of children for sexual acts; child prostitution; child sex tourism; non-familial child sexual molestation; sending unsolicited obscene material to a child or other acts that constitute child sexual exploitation.

Fish and Game Violations Reporting

Programs that provide a hotline, website or other mechanisms that the public can use to anonymously report information about the activities of people who are hunting, trapping or fishing out of season or otherwise threatening wildlife that is protected.

Insurance Fraud Reporting

Programs that provide a hotline, website or other mechanisms that the public can use to report, usually anonymously, individuals who have made false statements or otherwise intentionally misrepresented the facts surrounding an injury or loss in order to receive or increase the amount of compensation they will receive based on an insurance policy. Also included are programs that accept reports of fraudulent claims submitted by health care providers, pharmacies, auto repair shops and other parties that are providing services for insured individuals and using their insurance as a means of payment.

Non-Emergency Crime Reporting

Police departments and other law enforcement programs that provide a special number or website that people can use to report crimes that do not warrant an immediate response because the individual in question is not in immediate danger.

Terrorism/Radicalization Reporting

Programs that provide a hotline, website or other mechanisms that the public can use to anonymously report information about the activities of individuals or organizations that commit acts of violence as a means of supporting their cause; or about situations in which an individual or group has adopted increasingly extreme political, social or religious ideas and has become a potential source of terrorist activity.
