Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Specialized Counseling Services

Abuse Counseling

Programs that provide individual, conjoint, family or group treatment for people who are experiencing physical, sexual, emotional and/or other forms of abuse in the context a marital, parental, sibling or other family relationship or, in some instances, outside the family. Included are programs that provide therapeutic interventions for perpetrators and/or for individuals who have been victimized.

Adolescent/Youth Counseling

Programs that specialize in the treatment of adolescents, usually age 12 or 13 through 17, who have adjustment problems, behavior problems, emotional disturbance, a personality disorder or incipient mental illness. The programs may help youth troubled by low self-esteem, social isolation, peer pressure, bullying, school performance issues, truancy, anger management issues, family problems, grief and loss, sexual promiscuity, sexually transmitted infection, alcohol or drug addiction, eating disorders, oppositional and defiant behaviors, depression and anxiety, suicidal thoughts or other difficult issues.

Anger Management

Programs that provide educational and/or therapeutic opportunities for people who are interested in or who need to learn how to deal with their anger in a positive, functional way. Participants may include people who internalize their anger as well as those who act it out verbally or in behavior toward friends, family, children, employers or other people in their lives. Included are court-ordered and voluntary programs for people who are involved in domestic violence or child abuse as well as general workshops for people who are uncomfortable with the way they express their anger.

Bereavement and Grief Counseling

Programs that provide emotional support, problem-solving assistance, information and guidance for people who have recently experienced a loss, such as the death of a loved one, divorce or separation. Included are counseling programs for widows and widowers, children who have lost a parent, parents who have lost a child and people who are in other similar situations.

Caregiver Counseling

Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance in individual and/or group settings for family members, friends, significant others, non-familial caregivers or attendants who are caring for someone who has a serious illness or disability or who is elderly and increasingly unable to provide for his or her own care, and are feeling overwhelmed by their responsibilities and the effect that their caregiving role has had on their lives.

Child Guidance

Programs that specialize in the treatment of children from infancy to age 12 who have adjustment problems, behavior problems, emotional disturbances, a personality disorder or incipient mental illness.

Crime Victim/Witness Counseling

Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance in a variety of settings for individuals and families who are attempting to deal with their fears, their feelings of being violated and other negative aftereffects of being burglarized, robbed, assaulted or otherwise victimized. Also included are programs that provide counseling for people who have been traumatized by witnessing an act of violence.

Gambling Disorder Counseling

Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance for people who are having difficulty controlling their compulsion to gamble, and for their families. Some programs may include a financial counseling and/or management component which helps individuals deal with issues related to their spending and accumulated debt.

Gender Identity Counseling

Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance in a variety of settings for individuals whose gender identity is not in harmony with their birth assignment, and who may have a desire to change their biological sexual characteristics to conform physically with their perception of self and want to explore their options including hormone replacement therapy, gender transition and/or reassignment through surgery.

Geriatric Counseling

Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance in a variety of settings for older adults who are having mental, emotional or social adjustment problems that have arisen as a result of the process of aging. Geriatric counseling services are provided primarily by social services professionals including licensed social workers rather that psychiatrists or other medical personnel.

Health/Disability Related Counseling

Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance in a variety of settings for individuals who have a disability; who are concerned about or have any of a variety of illnesses, including those that may ultimately be fatal; or who have experienced the disabling or disfiguring effects of an illness, injury or surgery. The counseling may deal with the realities of having a disability or being ill, coping with their illness/disability, life adjustments required by their situation, and helping them evaluate their alternatives and make personal choices that will maximize their ability to function independently. Included are programs that provide counseling for individuals who have a family history of a particular health condition or disability and need assistance in coping with the emotional problems that are associated with having or being at risk for developing the condition.

Hoarding Counseling Programs

Programs that provide individual and group counseling and other forms of treatment for individuals who compulsively acquire and are unable to discard and/or properly organize possessions (often items of little value to others such as old newspapers, containers, clothing that may someday be "useful") which clutter their homes, sometimes making them almost unlivable. Therapy generally focuses on understanding hoarding behavior, controlling the excessive urge to acquire possessions, having less difficulty discarding or letting go of the items they have accumulated, sorting and removing possessions, and developing problem solving and organizational skills to manage the items they have decided to retain.

Human Trafficking Counseling

Programs that provide treatment services which may include emotional support, problem-solving assistance, information and guidance in a variety of counseling settings for victims of human trafficking. While women and children are particularly vulnerable to trafficking for the sex trade, human trafficking also includes individuals who are trafficked into forced marriages or into bonded labor markets such as sweat shops, agricultural establishments or domestic service.

Marriage and Relationships Counseling

Programs that provide emotional support, problem solving assistance, and guidance for individuals and their intimate partners who are having problems with their relationship and need assistance to identify the root of their difficulty and explore alternative resolutions with the objective of enhancing the relationship. Counseling may be available in a variety of settings and may include individual or group counseling, conjoint counseling and encounter-type experiences for groups of partners who are experiencing relationship problems and/or who want to enhance their marriages or committed partnerships.

Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Treatment

Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance in a variety of settings for individuals who have symptoms of depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder or postpartum psychosis, mental disorders that are associated with PMADs and affect an estimated 15% to 21% of pregnant and postpartum individuals in the weeks before and/or after their baby's birth. Therapists providing counseling and other services tailor therapeutic interventions specific to each person's PMADs diagnosis. But there are general recommendations that can be incorporated to support each client's ability to benefit from the interventions that are specific to their individual PMAD diagnosis which may include normalizing and destigmatizing the situation (reassuring them that it is normal to feel ambivalent during pregnancy and motherhood), prioritizing sleep, encouraging exercise and finally, developing a strong social network which may involve other individuals experiencing PMADs, a general "new moms group", or activities that focus on interests other than motherhood.

Psychiatric Disorder Counseling

Programs that specialize in the treatment of individuals who have identified mental or emotional disorders with the objective of helping them to eliminate or reduce the severity of their symptoms, to mediate disturbed patterns of behavior, to promote positive personality growth and development and to maximize the individual's ability to function as independently as possible. Treatment may utilize therapeutic techniques derived from one or more theoretical counseling approaches.

Sexual Assault Counseling

Programs that provide crisis, short-term and/or ongoing counseling for people who are coping with the emotional trauma of being forced to engage in sexual intercourse or other sexual acts without their consent. Included are military sexual trauma (MST) counseling programs offered by facilities operated by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, which address the needs of veterans who have been traumatized by having experienced assault or repeated threatening sexual harassment which occurred while serving on active duty in the military. Counseling and support may be offered in a variety of settings and may include individual, conjoint, family and group therapy sessions for the survivor and/or significant others.

Sexual/Love Addiction Counseling

Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance for people whose behavior is characterized by a compulsive need to engage in a repetitive series of sexual encounters and/or romantic attachments which interfere with the their ability to develop positive intimate relationships and to learn to cope with life stresses in a healthy manner. Counseling and support may be offered in a variety of settings which may include individual and group counseling sessions and, if appropriate, conjoint and family counseling sessions with significant others.

Sexual Orientation Counseling

Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance for people who want to explore their sexual orientation in order to enable them to identify and feel comfortable with their orientation. Counseling and support may be offered in a variety of settings which may include individual and group counseling sessions and, if appropriate, conjoint and family counseling sessions with significant others.

Veteran Reintegration Counseling

Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance for veterans who have emotional problems including post traumatic stress disorder relating to experiences in the service, or who are having other difficulties adjusting to their civilian status.
