Service Tree

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Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Orders

Taxonomy Code: FT-6940.1950

Programs that help older adults or younger adults with a physical or mental disability that impairs their ability to care for themselves obtain an order from the court that protects them from physical or financial abuse, neglect or abandonment, isolation, withholding by a caregiver of basic needs or services or harassment/stalking by a caregiver or other person. If the abuser is a spouse or partner, a child or grandchild or other close family member, the individual may also need a domestic violence protective/restraining order.

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Emergency Protective Orders (FT-6940.1900-200)

Elder Abuse Volunteer Opportunities (PX-2300.0200-250)

Elder Abuse Support Groups (PN-8100.0200-200)

Elder Abuse Shelters (BH-1800.1500-140)

Elder Abuse Prevention (FN-1500.1900-180)

Elder Abuse Medical Evaluations (LF-5000)

Elder Abuse Counseling (RP-1400.8000-020.24)

Adult Protective Services (PH-6500.0500)
