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Hospital Based Domestic Violence Programs
Taxonomy Code: LT-1750.3050
Programs in hospitals or other health care settings with doctors, nurses and other health care professionals trained to screen, identify, educate and treat individuals who may be experiencing domestic abuse, particularly those who may be unwilling to contact advocacy organizations, shelters, police or prosecutors, or do not do so until the abuse has become quite serious or life-threatening. Services may include watching for signs of abuse in individual patients seeking medical assistance for related or unrelated reasons or universal screening (asking all patients about the possibility of violence in their relationships); photographic documentation of injuries and details of the abuse that may be required by the courts; emotional support and safety planning; on-site advocacy services; and/or referral of patients to domestic abuse counseling services, legal assistance and other resources in the community. Some programs may be part of coordinated, community-wide efforts to combat domestic violence.
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