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Clubhouse Model Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Taxonomy Code: RP-6400.8000-660.15
Voluntary, person-centered membership programs for people with a history of mental illness that offer social, recreational, prevocational and vocational rehabilitation services within the context of a supportive and structured environment where members can be involved in meaningful activities which help them regain a sense of self-worth, purpose and confidence and enhance their ability to sustain independent living. Members establish their own schedules within an ordered day, choose the activities they will regularly participate in, and are actively engaged and supported by staff and other members in the activities and tasks they have chosen. Services provided through the group experience of the ordered day include a wide array of skill development activities and training designed to assist the member to gain control of debilitative aspects of their illness, acquire personal and social competencies, and establish and navigate environmental support systems. Also included are clubhouse model programs for other populations such as people with brain injuries.
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